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Introducing the Translator Power-Up

Oussama Touzni
May 6, 2024

Hello !

I just created my first Trello Power-Up ( and hopefully it won't be the last ) !

It allows the user to translate whole boards, individual cards , labels and checklist items by using Deepl API ( it works with both free and PRO version ).

See it in action :

A free 7 days trial is offered so you can test the Power-Up :) your feedback is very welcome to improve it so it suits all you needs

Thanks in advance

1 comment

Dreamsuite Mike
Community Leader
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May 6, 2024

Hi @Oussama Touzni 

Amazing to see new power-ups come along. I am going to have a play and do a plug on LinkedIn.  Check my profile on here and connect with me on there and I'll share...


Oussama Touzni
May 6, 2024

Thanks Mike , I really appreciate it :) 


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