Gmail add-on for Trello - can select due date

Chelsey Leruth
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July 3, 2020

It seems like there is a bug in the Trello add-on for Gmail. I'm using it with Gsuite and can't enter a valid due date for the card in my mailbox -  the field only accepts text. Is anyone else having this problem? Is the only workaround to edit the due date it Trello? 


Iain Dooley
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July 3, 2020

@Chelsey Leruth I don't use the Trello add-on for Gmail, so I can't speak to the problem you're having, but I do have a product that lets you use Trello as a Gmail client. This means that instead of adding dates to cards you create from emails, you would simply be adding due dates to cards that were already in your Inbox in Trello, you can see how it works here:

Brittany Joiner
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July 5, 2020

@Chelsey Leruth It only lets you submit text (ie, not a dropdown or calendar pick option), but it's working for me when i type out the date. Is it giving you an error when you type out the date and time?


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