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Double screenshot insertion

Саня Капляр
I'm New Here
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August 16, 2018

Hi. When I paste screenshot into some Trello card it inserts twice and I can't clear that from card history. Not sure, if it is a bug, but maybe you can fix this.
I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and capture screenshots with ctrl+print Screen (standart tool in Ubuntu).


1 comment

Marta Galofre de Alos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 20, 2018


Marta here, from Trello Support.

Hmm, that's definitely unexpected. Because I can't currently reproduce this on my end, would you mind contacting us at and grant us access to your account so we can take a closer look? Thank you!


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