Hello Trello.
2020 is over and our eyes are still hurt.
Please listen and add what is requested since 2018.
Do what is right.
Dark Mode
Can it come sooner pls? Thanks!
While Darkmode is not currently available, may I suggest changing your Trello background? While it doesn't give you exactly what you want, changing the background has helped me.
I know. It helps a little but not really a solution.
Currently i just use the web version + dark reader.
And i mapped a keyboard shortcut to launch the url using Keyboard Maestro.
I’m not in pain. My dramatic post was a bit of joke. Its a real request. But i can manage😁
1 year later, and still nothing. Changing the background helps with boards, but then your eyes suffer even more when you jump from a dark board to Home or Workspace view that is bright white.