Attaching documents or photos

Franklin Tseng May 13, 2022

When I have to attach documents, Power Point, or photos from OneDrive, currently, I can attach a share link.  This is not reliable because the owner of the link can change. Please consider making the attachment into .jpg for photos, word, excel or power point documents etc. This will allow me to have a permanent record.  


I am using Trello to manage my buildings, therefore needed a permanent location for the records. 

1 comment

Vishaal S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 19, 2022

Hi Franklin,

How are you doing today?

That's an interesting ask-I can understand how helpful this implementation might be, but I don't think this is an available option that we can consider with Onedrive or any other cloud storage provider. This is by design e.g. Dropbox takes care of storage, permissions, and security rather than us and the same applies to Onedrive and that would make it difficult for us to download and attach that files when linked. 


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