We here at Trello would really like to learn more about how users take advantage of Trello in their profession and workplace!
If you are in Real Estate and use Trello, we would love to hear more on how you use Trello.
Feel free to show us a screenshot or share a link to a public board. Please make sure that there is no personal information or anything else visible, you would not like others to see.
The Trello Team
I am a mortgage advisor using Trello to assist with deal flow. I have found it ver helpful it keeping track of my clients. I do wish I could allow my realtor partners access to specific clients cards with out them being able to see all clients on the board. Is this possible?
I am new to Trello and I am struggling to figure out how to use Trello to recreate the Excel spreadsheets for Transaction Management. I keep hitting issues at every step because of the "quirks" in Trello that come back to bite me.
Like trying to create contact cards, contacts for companies. I tried to create two template cards and was confounded by my fields constantly changing from card to card templates.