Catalan is a language spoken by more than 10 million people. It is the 13th most spoken language in Europe. It is the official language in Spain and the only official language in Andorra. It is very present on the internet (check, for example, its Wikipedia (, or Google and Microsoft, which have all their products available in Catalan). It is the language of Catalonia and, therefore, also of Barcelona, one of the most important technological hubs in Europe and the world. I know hundreds of developers, scientists, researchers, creators, and so on that would love to be able to use Trello in their language. That is why also ask you to include Catalan in the list of languages available in the application. I am totally open and willing to collaborate if necessary to make it a reality. Just feel free to contact me, I will be happy to help and tell you more about it.
We are currently working with Jira cloud (SM &SW) at the ISD of the Government of Andorra.
We are suffering this gap.
There is no catalan language available for cloud version.
For us, as oficial country language, and because we are part of the públic administration, it's a must!
There is a ticket opened to Atlassian support for this request. Please, vote for that ticket.
As many of us that vote for Catalan language the better it will be for all or us and to be implented ASAP.
Gràcies a tots per contribuir a tenir Jira en Català.