It's Friday!!!
I know you want to run away but wait....
I'll tell you what I'm going to do to REST MY MIND for the weekend, in case it might help you:
I REVIEW my pending things in case I have missed something that I had to solve this week.
I set the rest for next week and I try to make a PLANNING of what has a due date (either because I have proposed it or because it is necessary to do it before that date due to external causes).
I assure you that it helps me not to be thinking about everything I have to do during the weekend or to be anxious in case I have forgotten something.
You know what helps me? Trello, of course
Put dates on your to-do's, they won't go away from your to-do list.
If you don't do it, you'll just see a little red bell continuously reminding you all the time that you haven't done it yet!!!!
30 minutes of REVIEW and PLANNING=weekend of mental rest
Have you already made your REVIEW?
Alicia Filíu Birlanga
Alicia Filíu Birlanga
Alicante (Spain)
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