My name is Deepak Singh Bist and i am looking for certifications.
Hi @Dexter de Vera Thanks for commenting. can you please provide me exact study material for ACP 620 Managing Jira project for cloud?
Hi @Deepak Singh Bist ~ @Dexter de Vera is right on target here.
His link should have led you to the exact coursework for your 620 cert coursework prep: https://university.atlassian.com/student/page/840992-acp-620-managing-jira-cloud-projects-certification
Hi @Deepak Singh Bist Best way to clear the exam is to go through each exam topics mentioned in resources guide. You can download it from Atlassian university or click on the below link.
Managing Projects for Jira Cloud
I personally cleared two exams by reading and practising exam topics mentioned in resource guide, go through each of the links won't take more than 20 days. ACP-620 is an easy exam, if you have worked at least 6 months on a Jira cloud instance, you will definitely clear it.