I just completed my test on Trello fundamentals and bagged the certificate (92%).
However, I noticed that the name associated with my email is wrong; it doesn't bear my surname "Anekwe". It beared only "Uchenna Favour ".
I have, hence, changed my email to the correct name "Favour Anekwe" and I would love this to reflect on my certificate.
I have laid this complaint in the support team.
I'll appreciate quick response.
Thank you.
Thank you but I already raised a complaint ticket.
I checked your your link but it's asking me where I had problem in the course.
I didn't have issues with the course. I'm done with all the assignments and test ,and earned a certificate but my certificate had a wrong name and this is what I seek to change.
@Favour Anekwe - could you please provide me with a link to the ticket that you raised? And meanwhile, I would ask you to check your Atlassian profile settings here https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/profile-and-visibility. If your name is not written correctly on this page, please update it and then check your certificate once again. If everything looks fine, we still need a ticket from you :)
The link that I sent over to you would create a ticket in the correct queue, but you are right, there is no such a selection on the form. We will look into the ways to improve our support portal to make it clearer.
Please how do I locate my certificate again to see if the changes has reflected and download the right copy?
Hi @Favour Anekwe,
Thanks for your patience!
I have updated your name in the Atlassian University profile, now your Trello certificate reflects the correct name. The reply is in the ticket as well.
In order to locate your certificate, please go to https://university.atlassian.com/student/catalog and log in with your Atlassian ID. Then click the User icon at the top right corner of your screen and select My Profile. You should see your awards on the following screen.
Please let us know if everything is as expected.
from previous experience the "CA" in your ticket link makes me think it went to Customer Advocates team, not the Atlassian University support team.
I am confiden still that Anastasiia will get you the needed help and the name can be properly fixed on your certificate - in general I think this is only Atlassian can help you with.
My certificate has changed to the correct name. Thank you so much 🥰.
Please can I get a link to download a copy of my certificate?
@Favour Anekwe - In order to locate your certificate, please go to https://university.atlassian.com/student/catalog and log in with your Atlassian ID. Then click the User icon at the top right corner of your screen and select My Profile. You should see your awards on the following screen.
See my latest reply above. Cheers!