ACP-620 Sample questions not related to the associated course

April 22, 2021


Just completed the training for ACP-620 "Managing Jira Cloud Concepts". I am going through the sample questions and most of them are unrelated to the topics of the course.

These sample questions have to be recent as I see previous posts where users were pointing out there were only 7 of them, while now there are 41.

Has there been a change in the syllabus of the test and the course hasn't been updated yet?





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2 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 22, 2021

Hello @TP , thank you for alerting us to a potential problem  -- are these the topics shown for your sample questions?  If yes, can you give more detail about your concern that they are not related to the course?  Or, are your sample questions showing different topics entirely?


Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 9.28.16 AM.png

Linda Milne_Togetha Group_
Atlassian Partner
April 22, 2021


ACP-620 is Managing Jira Cloud Projects? The project admin course? I did those questions in about Feb this year and they seemed fine.

April 23, 2021

@Linda Milne_Togetha Group_yes that's the one. I am happy that back in February they seemed fine to you.

0 votes
April 23, 2021

Actually it seems that there is plenty of JQL queries questions. It's needed to take the JQL course. It's frustrating cause it should be mentioned that additional resources are needed

Linda Milne_Togetha Group_
Atlassian Partner
April 23, 2021

Im still studying for my exam and am learning a lot of jira admin in parallel - the assumption is that you don't need to be a jira admin, but you have to have a pretty good idea of what a jira admin does.

So yeah, JQL, permissions and all that good stuff. I use jql all the time, so its useful to have a good knowledge of it.

Did you see the exam topics on the certification page ( You need to spread a bit further than just the straight course work.


Like Ben Thoma likes this
0 votes
April 23, 2021

@JuliaThank you for your reply. I can make a list of all the questions - for example 01.2060? it refers to a rule in a query not mentioned in the course. But there are other instances

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 23, 2021

Hi @TP , that question is related to the exam topic "Translate business requirements into appropriate JQL queries".

Your Managing Jira Cloud projects has additional resources in the right menu bar, including a link to the exam page, the exam topics PDF, and a link to free Cloud tutorials which includes JQL tutorials.

I'd be interested to know of other questions you have concerns about.  We'll take a look at our exam information as well -- we may need to do a better job communicating about the value of the tutorials for people who need JQL instruction. 

Best Regards,
Atlassian Certification Team

Like Ben Thoma likes this
April 26, 2021

Hello, I just took the exam and failed. Will write another thread on that

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