First, we would like to thank everyone who was able to participate in yesterday's Atlassian community event, despite the protest and the closed roads. I hope next time we'll have a calm and smooth evening with no surprises.
So if you missed the event, here are some highlights:
* We have created a new group under the Atlassian community website for the Tel-Aviv community - our very own space to keep the conversation flowing in between our scheduled events. In our Group, we can announce upcoming events, share critical takeaways (aka selfies), delve deeper into a topic, and of course, help one another with Q&A.
CLICK HERE TO JOIN: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Tel-Aviv/gp-p/tel-aviv
* We also opened a dedicated YouTube channel to share our meetups recordings. You're welcome to subscribe and follow here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCib5BSnwEUNkXzUUIJ6LUuQ/playlists
Thank you for joining this new journey with us. Hope to see you next time!
Gal & Tanya
Your Tel-Aviv Atlassian Community Leaders