It has officially been two weeks since my return to office mandate started. I feel enough time has passed that I can make a fair opinion about the state of things. Let's talk about how things are going.
The Good

I want to start by talking about the few things that are going well:
- First, my company has done a great job of providing a wonderful kitchen on every floor. I’m on the first, and there are five microwaves there alone. Additionally, there are multiple types of beverage & coffee machines and a fridge with both canned pop and fruit juices. They also have a number for snack options from single serve bags of chips, trail mix and even single serve boxes of cereal and ramen noodles. All of this is freely available for people to take if they want/need.
- Second, at the beginning of the pandemic, one of the biggest concerns was the blurred lines between work time and personal time. Now that I have to communicate to the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, I no longer check or answer work related emails or slack messages once I have left for the day.
The Bad

Alright, let’s talk about all of the challenges:
- First, I’m not going to sugar coat it, I hate the commute. I’m up extremely early, I leave the house before anyone else is awake and I don’t have the time to walk the dog and organize my thoughts before I start the work day.
- Second, there are too many distractions at my desk. I’m in a high traffic area so there are many people walking through my field of vision which draws my attention away from what I’m working on.
- In addition to this, I generally work with a lower level of lighting, and I use lamps at my home office. When I arrive at the office (usually a couple hours before anyone else) it’s very pleasant and quite dark. When the overhead florescent lighting is turned on, I find things quite uncomfortable for the remainder of the day.
- Next, almost all of the people around me are working on different teams, and spend the majority of the day on zoom calls working with people that are either 100% remote or are working in different offices. As such, I spend most of my day with noise-cancelling headphones and Rock/Metal music on to drown out the noise.
- Finally, with illnesses, bad weather and various appointments, my team hasn’t had more than a couple of our team members in the office at any one time. In fact, I spent last Thursday as the only member of my team in the office that day.

Overall, I'm not happy to be back at the office.
I feel more exhausted at the end of the day and less productive during the day compared to Mondays & Fridays when I still work from home. I don't feel it has been as valuable for both project collaboration and team building socialization as it was being advertised before the Christmas holidays. I will continue to follow our policies and voice my opinions through the proper channels with the hopes that positive change will follow.
This will be the official end of this series. However, if I have something worth sharing in the future, you can bet I'll be back with another article.
Thank you for coming on this adventure with me and I hope you have a great rest of the week!