As of this post being published I am in the office trying to get accustomed to the office I have only been at a handful of times over the past three years I have been employed here.
I'm putting together this article as requested by @Andy Gladstone to share some of my efficiency tips and tricks when preparing to start working from the office.
It's worth noting that with the exception of the last tip, all of these are things that my wife and I did regularly before the pandemic happened.
For anyone that is on a budget and unable to buy lunch on a daily basis, we have found that preparing meals on Sunday afternoon can make the routine during the week a bit easier. On the flip side, if you are able to go out regularly, get familiar with the local restaurants near your office.
If you have a lengthy commute, this is a great way to help pass the time. Personally, I'd recommend The Jira Life & Monday Coffee by Appfire. If you have to drive (like me) this can be a great way to have something you are interested in other than the radio on. If you are a passenger, you might want to consider trying your hand at writing an article or two. This article was drafted while we were driving to visit family on the holidays.
Before things were mandatory, this was really helpful for me to start to build the routine. I was able to make sure my desk has everything I needed to be as efficient as I could be. I also scoped out meeting rooms for my reoccurring meetings since I expect them to go as fast as toilet paper in March of 2020.
I'm planning to give things a couple of weeks to let the dust settle as everyone tries to get acquainted with the new working arrangements, but do check back for the finale as I share how things are working out with thus hybrid work approach.
Have a great week everyone!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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