If you haven’t checkout out today’s Welcome Wednesday by @summer.hogan, you should go do that now.
I’m a huge fan or the Work Check Podcast and I listened to all of Season 2 when it was released last year. However, I thought it would be fun to go and listen to a number of the episodes again and see if I still feel the same way now as I did when they were released.
If I think back over the last three to four years, a lot has changed within my life. Back in 2019, I was going to an office 99% of the time. I was working for a different company with a very different culture. I had earned the right to work from home occasionally, but that was used to isolate myself from others so I would have focus time to work.
When the pandemic started and everyone was sent home, we all struggled to communicate. The Atlassian Team Playbook wasn’t full of amazing remote team plays like How to create a personal user manual for work | Atlassian which exist today, and the proper processes and culture were not in place to prevent people from trampling on the personal time and space of others.
Now, I work for an amazing company, and while I can’t say for sure what the early days of the pandemic looks like for them, I was hired while lockdown was in full effect still 6 months later and I was a part of 70 employees onboarded remotely. While they didn’t reference the Atlassian Tam Playbook directly, a number of the same concepts were ingrained in the culture here. I’m also pleased to say that even as the company has continued to grow, they have not abandoned that core culture that makes them great.
Getting back to where I was in the beginning, this has made me reflect heavily that what is important to me has changed. As I advance in my career, change companies, prioritize different aspects of my home life, what was important last year might not be the same as this year.
If you haven’t seen season 2 of the Work Check Podcast, this will be even more great content for you to explore. If you have, consider following my lead and listen to it again. You never know, you might have your mind changed.
Have a great week everyone!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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