while installing team calander1.8.2 for confluence 4.1.3, i am facing below error when i am configuring. please suggest solution.

navneet nischal January 31, 2012

HTTP Status 404 - /admin/calendar/viewlicense.action

type Status report

message /admin/calendar/viewlicense.action

description The requested resource (/admin/calendar/viewlicense.action) is not available.

Apache Tomcat/6.0.32

1 answer

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navneet nischal January 31, 2012

in team calendar plug-in when i click CONFIGURE i get two options global setting and license configuration. when i click license configuration it directs to http://localhost:8084/admin/calendar/viewlicense.action which is JIRA server. what should i do so successfully update the license by embeding key into it?

please do comment

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