how does "add an existing calendar" work?

tommer lahat March 31, 2022

I found step-by-step explanation on how to add an existing calendar.

but what is it / how does it work ? and how can I undo it? remove? and what are the consequences of removing? 

or : where can I read about this functionality including multiple space options.


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Srinatha T
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 31, 2022

Hi @tommer lahat ,

Welcome to Atlassian community. 

Below are some useful links for you. 

Above URLS should answer all your questions.  Let me know if you got any questions. 

Have a good day!


Srinath T

tommer lahat March 31, 2022

hi @Srinatha T ,

thank you for the quick reply and the information.

can I doublecheck with you?

i have 2 spaces : space 1 and space 2.

i have a calendar. the Related space = space 1.

that calendar is also visible on space 2.

that means earlier, someone performed action "add an existing calendar" in space 2 and selected a calendar from space 1.

i want to clean up space 1.
are these the right steps?
1. go to space 2, go to the calendar, Select ••• , select Remove.
2. go to space 1, go to the calendar, Select ••• , select Edit, Change the value in the "Related space"-field from 'space 1' to 'space 2', Save.
3. delete space 1

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