Is there any way to filter events from a shared (existing) calender?

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December 22, 2017

Consider a confluence setup with a calender that has information about people from multiple teams (vacations etc).


Only a subset of people are working on particular project/product, so i want to add a calendar (add/existing), but at the same time i want to hide records related to people or events not relevant for specific product.

Is there any way to do it? I see that its possible to filter by event type (no matter who created or is assigned to an event) or filter view/edit permissions, but its not what im looking for. Im looking for filtering events based on who created (individual users or usergroup) and/or who the event is "assigned" to (again, list of individual users or usergroup).

Could you advise?

PS sounds somewhat similar to - or might be even the same depending on CONFSERVER-49360 interpretation.

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