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Demo Days?

Rino Jose _Forthix_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 15, 2024

Hi, Startup Founders --

Would anyone be interested in doing Demo Days where we could show what we've been working on and get feedback from each other? I was thinking this would a great way to:

  • Chat about technical challenges and share solutions
  • Try out positioning and messaging
  • Get to know each other

I'd be happy to help organize/host. Let me know what you think!





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Shegun Holder
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 15, 2024

Yes, please. Summers can be distracting to get folks together, but I would love community and perspectives from founders and technical experts. Less concerned about technical solutions but always open to be audience and problem solve together, resolving someone’s pain. 

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Jens Schumacher July 15, 2024

Happy to give it a shot if we can find a time that works. Being in Australia makes it a little more tricky. 


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Kunal Sarpatil
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 16, 2024

Will be more than happy to be part of this.

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Rino Jose _Forthix_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 16, 2024

Great! I created a meeting poll on Calendly. Let's see if we can find a day/time that works for everyone.

Jens Schumacher July 17, 2024

On vacation next week, but will try to make the next one.

Annie Lu
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 18, 2024

@Rino Jose _Forthix_ This is such a great idea! Would love to join to learn about all the cool things that people are working on :) 

Rino Jose _Forthix_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 18, 2024

Sounds good! I'll post a calendly link to the first Demo Day after all the votes are in. Feel free to swing by :-)

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Rino Jose _Forthix_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 20, 2024

Based on the meeting poll, I scheduled a Demo Day for July 24 at 10am Pacific. Here's a link to the meeting if anyone would like to swing by:

cc: @Annie Lu , @Digant Singh , @Kunal Sarpatil , @Shegun Holder 

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