mulitple working directories

mallikarjun ithagoni May 25, 2014

hi all, can we create multiple directories in Source Tree.

ex: i have working directory W1 cloned and i was working on it. whatever changes i do here will be updated.before i raise codereview and i want to create new working direcotory W2 and i want to work on it. changes done to W2 should affect W1 and vice-versa.

is it possible in Source Tree ?

please help me........... thanks in advance.........

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May 25, 2014

SourceTree definitely does NOT provide a way to do what you want the way you describe. As far as I have seen, Git does not support it (I expect Mercurial doesn't either), so SourceTree can't.

A partial solution (can be done with SourceTree), is as follows:

Let's say W1 is the working copy of R1 (local repository 1). You can use SourceTree (or any other Git client) to clone R1 to a new local location (R2). Both R1 and R2 are local, and you can push and pull between them. You can also set up R2 with the same remote(s) as R1. If you are just working on SourceTree and you want to push an R2 change through R1 to the remote, you'll actually have to checkout that branch in R1, push it, then switch back to whatever branch R1 was on to begin with.

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