When pushing a branch what is the difference between a tick in the Track checkbox and a solid square in the Track checkbox?

Max Edwards
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September 30, 2013

When pushing a dialogue box shows asking which branches to push. To the right of each branch is a checkbox called 'Track?'. What is the difference between a tick and a solid square?

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Disco Patrick
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July 1, 2014

Hi Max, I was also interested to know this. I found a (sort of) answer here: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/88528/what-does-the-track-checkbox-do

The solid square (with a hyphen inside) means 'leave things as they are'. So if you were already tracking that remote branch, you will continue to track that branch - unless you uncheck the box.

Presumably, leaving the selection as a solid square means one less command for SourceTree to execute.

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