Sourcetree white spaces between every letter

Maayan Balasy May 15, 2019

in some files in my project, white spaces are added everywhere in the diff preview.

I suspect it breaks my commits.

Someone has a clue on how to fix it?


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Mike Corsaro
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2019

Hello! This is probably due to a text-encoding error (note the small 'CR' characters -- those are depreciated mac OS classic line-endings).


Could you check the file encoding and line-ending settings used for those files?


Additionally, if you run `git diff FILE_NAME` in the terminal does the result also look like that for the file?

Maayan Balasy May 16, 2019

The bad files encoding was UCS-2 LE BOM in contrast to all other files encoding which is UTF-8 BOM.

changing the encoding didn't help.

when I run "git diff FILE_NAME" after changing the file encoding I see a lot of gibberish letters in red (basicaly the entire file) and afterwards the entire file, now readable, in green letters.

Maayan Balasy May 19, 2019

eventually, the solution was to change the encoding of the files to utf-8.

Thanks! :)

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