Sourcetree fast and smart pull and push choosed from RMB menu on branch

castus November 22, 2011

I noticed this small annoying thing: when I right-click on branch name, I have there "pull FOO (tracked)" and "push FOO (tracked)". When I click one of them I get window with spinner. I must wait to have refreshed branches, and after this my branches are selected and I may click OK.

I think that Sourcetree should immediately start pushing/pulling.

Whay I must wait for refreshing list of branches as I selected what branch I want to pull from/push to ?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 22, 2011

This is being tracked already here:, I've upvoted it based on this.

castus November 22, 2011

Have this in 1.3 will be great. Thanks guys, great job!

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 22, 2011

I do still think there should be a confirmation box though, since it's easy to accidentally pick a menu item. It just needes to avoid the remote check.

castus November 22, 2011

Hmm if you tracked some branch I think nothing unexpected will not happened.

But if you want confirmation box, ok, but without waiting for refresh and already selected choosed branches, will be nice.

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