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SourceTree is very slow to detect changes in local repositories

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June 24, 2019

I'm using SourceTree 3.2.1 (225) on macOS 10.14.5.

I'm finding that SourceTree is very slow to detect changes (e.g., files that have been edited then saved) in my local repositories. It can take minutes, and I have to flip between modified/pending file views to try to 'kick' it.

I'd expect changes to be recognised immediately by SourceTree.

Any ideas? Any setting I'm missing?


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 29, 2019

Hi @psychlist,

There is the "Refresh automatically when files change" checkbox in General preferences. If that's enabled and you are still not seeing the files you can hit Cmd+R to refresh which is easier than switching filters. With all that said, we are aware the tricky to balance area of file watching can be improved. 

Brian Ganninger
Principal Developer, Sourcetree

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 30, 2019

Thanks for responding, Brian. I do have 'Refresh Automatically' enabled, but I didn't know about Cmd-R to refresh: I'll try that.


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