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Show all changes in file when merge branches

Gabriel Dominguez Cisternes
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March 15, 2019

How can we see all differences in file when we merge two branches?

e.g: we have 3 branches


-branch1 (from master)

-branch2 (from master)

we start work on repository following the next steps:

1 - we modify, commit and push to branch1 the file "function.sql" at line 1

2 - we modify, commit and push to branch2 the file "function.sql" at line 20

3 - we merge branch1 to master (no conflicts).

4 - we merge branch2 to master (no conflicts).

After 4 steps we have master with the changes made in branch1 and branch2, sourcetree merge automatically with no conflicts the file "function.sql".

Is posible force to SourceTree to advice us that file "function.sql" was modified in branch2 when merge branch2 to master?  



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 19, 2019


I'm afraid I don't think you can do what you want to in Sourcetree, there are ways you can do it from the command line, see

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