Re: Re: Fix a detached head / lost master branch?

Evan Wallace
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November 7, 2019

Hello Seth,

I think I have a similar problem to Wolfgang, and your answer to him was so clear I thought I would write to you also.

I inadvertently created a detached head by trying to checkout a previous version of my work to look at something. I didn't understand the warning in the resulting dialog box, and I clicked "OK" and accidentally created the detached head.

I followed your instructions above, and renamed the most recent commit on the detached head and called it "v1.4.2". Then I went to merge it back into the "develop" branch as you suggest. But for reasons I don't understand, the top node of the develop branch seems to have all the cumulative changes I made since May 13, 2019 on the file "PBS_Controller.ino" in an uncommited state. 

When I went to merge branch v1.4.2 into the develop branch, I got an error saying I would have to stash or commit all of my changes in the develop branch before merging. I don't know whether it is safe to do such a commit.

Here's what I do know: The latest version checked in on the detached head/v1.4.2 branch of Nov 4 is true and correct. So my questions is, can I safely commit the uncommited changes on the develop branch, and THEN merge the v1.4.2. branch into it without losing anything, and then be all back to normal on the develop branch?

Obviously I am a novice user and would appreciate any help you could give. Thank you.


Sourcetree branch issue.JPG

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