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Pulling LFS files error: Check that you have proper access to the repository

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July 26, 2021

Today I'm unable to pull my LFS files with the following error:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks -c lfs.customtransfer.bitbucket-media-api.path=git-lfs-bitbucket-media-api lfs pull
batch response: Authorization error:

Problem is related to LFS files only. Everything was fine just yesterday. The only thing that was changed is upgraded plan from free to premium. 

There is a workaround or should be considered as bug?

2 answers

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Liang Peng
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December 17, 2021

I solved this problem by the following command:


Pay attention to the http protocal.
this article give me some inspiration:

If you push a LFS object to a project and you receive an error similar to: Post <URL>/info/lfs/objects/batch: dial tcp IP: getsockopt: connection refused, the LFS client is trying to reach GitLab through HTTPS. However, your GitLab instance is being served on HTTP.

This behaviour is caused by Git LFS using HTTPS connections by default when a lfsurl is not set in the Git config.

To prevent this from happening, set the lfs url in project Git config:

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Daniel Todorov
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I'm New Here
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July 26, 2021

We are facing the same issue from Friday, when our Bamboo server try to checkout our repos. LFS is failing with:


batch response: Authorization error:


Nothing is changed from our side.

Bamboo version: 7.0.6

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