Public/private key types for Sourcetree connection

Stephanie Workman September 25, 2014

I'm trying to connect to our git respository using SourceTree. I've not managed it yet and I believe the issue is with the type of public/private keys. Here is what I've done so far to try to resolve this issue.

1) Using Puttygen generated SSH public/private key pair
2) Loaded the key into pageant which is supposed to run in the background I thought
3) In tools/options gave the path to my ssh private key for putty
3) Attempt to clone the repository using an ssh://path  - however i get an access denied error. It keeps expecting the password for the 'banner' account. It should not I assume if the keys are working correctly. I also verified that i can directly login to the git via putty itself using the banner account and it does NOT ask me for a password.

So I dig some digging around and found some reference to using an OpenSSH key structure instead. So I did the following:

1) dumped all my old keys
2) using puttygen created new keys and copied/pasted the openSSH public key off and sent to my dba
3) verified that i could login via putty itself using the new openssh key structure
4) tried to load the open ssh private key into pageant(which is not allowed apparently)
4) in tools/options gave the path to my open ssh private key for the openssh option
4) Attempt to clone the respository using an ssh://path - it told me I had to use a different URL or switch to SSH basically

So I'm confused on exactly what TYPE of keys I should be generating and what Sourcetree is expecting.

I feel like I'm just so close and if i can resolve the keys/connection within Sourcetree I'd be able to make my connection.

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.





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September 25, 2014

When generating your keys with PuTTYgen, you can (and should) create BOTH types for the same key. Steps are as follows:

1) Generate a new key (or load an existing PuTTY key with Load button or OpenSSH key with Conversions>Import Key).

2) Save both public and private keys to separate files.

3) Export OpenSSH key (Conversions menu) to a third file.

4) Upload the OpenSSH public key to most remote servers (anything *nix, including OSX), use PuTTY private key with Pageant.

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