Please bring back the bookmarks sidebar

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Stuart Moore November 23, 2017

At risk of being a "Me too" person, I completely agree with the above. I have no way of seeing which branches have changes or not, the bookmarks sidebar worked really well. Please bring it back.

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Andreas Symeonides
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September 16, 2017

I totally agree.  Without the sidebar it is now very difficult for me to be able to see an overview of all of my repositories and to navigate efficiently.  The new way of selecting from local repositories is very inefficient and ugly.

Please bring it back as soon as possible.

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BlobZop NA June 5, 2017

+1 from me too.

It was very useful.

I have very bad memory and I'm hopping between many things, when I come back to coding (more like learning it), checking bookmarks folder tree of SourceTree was the first thing I do.

I had many folders for Unity and other projects, and under those folders multiple similar projects grouped in one place. This way it was easy to click folder open, then click through projects in a folder, and see where I left the projects weeks ago...

And what is more annoying, the "Local repositories" tab that opens by pressing "+" in tab bar, is horribly formatted. Huge gaps between items, lost space - I'd rather see windows explorer like compact "directory listing" instead of this. Make an option for spacing of lines at minimum.

And bring back the bookmarks window.

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Patrick Moore
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May 24, 2017

+1.  Please bring back the bookmark sidebar.  I have several sources repos that I am responsible for and it's nice to know quickly what changes have and  haven't been checked in.

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Mike Branch May 14, 2017

Agreed. This is a deal-breaker for me. I prefer not to use soure control tools within my IDEs, but I guess I am now.

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