Is there a way to reconfigure the window sizes and positions?

mnelvers March 12, 2019

I was wondering if there is a way to reconfigure the Log/History windows to be more like the File Status windows.  By that I mean, I would like the Graph window (on the Log/History tab) have the position and size of the Staged Files window (on the File Status tab).  I would also the Diff window of the Log/History tab to take up the entire right side like it does in the File Status tab.  The File list (on the Log/History tab) is already similar enough to the Unstaged Files list (on the File Status tab).

Also, how do you get Source Tree to remember the current of windows sizes when you close and re-open the tool or when you change branches?

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Atlassian Team
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March 19, 2019


Unfortunately the Sourcetree UI doesn't support that level of configuration.

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June 1, 2021

Hey guys, it's not hard to do. This feature is VERY necessary!

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