I want to replace ssh key on source tree, But I do not see tools options in mac book

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October 12, 2022

please help me how can I replace ssh key in source tree. 

I can not see tools option any where in my app in mac book 

also I can not have any options to remove old key 
when there was not key at that time I did not see option to add key but only see option to create key in source tree where pop up box for under account option. 

I have private and pub key in my mac already and I want to use that key in source tree as keys are already linked to Git. 

please help me to remove key from source tree and also help me to add which I have in  my mac. 




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Todd Lucas
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January 13, 2023

Not sure if you're still looking for an answer to this or not ...

Windows 7 64-bit, SourceTree V 3.4.11

I modified the "LastSSHKeyPath" setting value in the following file:


Just remove the SSH key paths from that value.

Example Old Value:

<setting name="LastSSHKeyPath" serializeAs="String">

Example New Value:

<setting name="LastSSHKeyPath" serializeAs="String">

Hope it helps!

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