How to see all remote branches?

Chris Kohler
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July 25, 2023

How can I show all branches in the left-hand menu, not only the current branch history?
All solutions I found online seem to be for older versions.


Thanks for your help!



1 answer

1 vote
Haoyang Lu
July 25, 2023


You can't see branches in local if you didn't 'fetch' and 'check out' them from remote.
The steps below may help (I'm sorry if it's over-detailed).


Chris Kohler
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 27, 2023

Thank you, so there is no way to view all branches by default? I believe you could do that in past versions, but I'm missing this settig now.

Thanks for you help tho. Even though the image you sent doesn't show up for me, I managed to get the branch into view by left clicking a commit and then checking it out. However if I check out via Repository -> Checkout, the branch doesn't show up in the menu. Kinda seems like a bug to me...

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