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Having issues after upgrading

Todd Sievel October 10, 2019

So I love ST and have used it for years, but 3.0.17 is the last version that i've been able to get working.  I've followed instructions for how to fully remove it.  My problem seems to be multiple.  I can't connect clone or get code from the github enterprise server here.  


When I click on the Git tab in options I see a button to 'Enable Git Support'.  A dialog is displayed showing that Get was unable to be found.  I try to click on 'Browse to the location of Git...'.  The dialog goes away and then comes back without prompting anything different.  The same happens when i try 'Check again ( should you wish....'.  When I try to install the embedded version it looks like the install goes through correctly.....but then the dialog is displayed again saying that 'Git not found'.  The only option I'm left with is to 'not use git'.


When I go to 'Remote' I can see the enterprise account.  I right click and choose 'edit'.  I can confirm that it says 'Authentication OK'.  When I close this, I can see a list of repos on the right.  I select one that isn't private and click 'clone'.  When the page changes to the clone page, I see an error saying "Repository Type:  This is not a valid source path / URL".  It does that for all.  Now, I go up to a folder I've been working with for over the past year and select it.  It gives the same error.  


Looking at sourcetree.log, I see the following errrors:
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:05:16,922] [1] [SourceTree.Analytics.Submission.Gas.GasAnalyticsSubmissionService] [Log] - Hi There!
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:05:46,557] [PriorityScheduler: 0] [SourceTree.Repo.RepoHandlerHg] [Log] - GitHandler is not set, or git not enables, so didn't set git env variables
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:06:35,520] [1] [SourceTree.Exceptions.RemoteHostException] [Log] - Failed to check login for user [tsievel]
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:06:42,881] [1] [SourceTree.Exceptions.RemoteHostException] [Log] - Failed to check login for user [tsievel]
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:07:23,049] [19] [SourceTree.Repo.RepoHandlerHg] [Log] - GitHandler is not set, or git not enables, so didn't set git env variables
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:13:39,773] [1] [SourceTree.Analytics.Submission.Gas.GasAnalyticsSubmissionService] [Log] - Hi There!
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:14:28,505] [15] [SourceTree.Repo.RepoHandlerHg] [Log] - GitHandler is not set, or git not enables, so didn't set git env variables
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:16:48,304] [1] [SourceTree.ViewModel.PreferencesWindowViewModel] [Log] - Handler unavailable for DVCS [Git]
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:16:48,420] [1] [SourceTree.Analytics.Crash.BugSplat.CrashAnalyticsService] [Log] - DispatcherUnhandledExceptionHandler for [Sourcetree,] called with [System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs]
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SourceTree.ViewModel.PreferencesWindowViewModel.SaveDiffTools()
at SourceTree.ViewModel.PreferencesWindowViewModel.<Confirm>d__200.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at SourceTree.ViewModel.PreferencesWindowViewModel.<<get_OkCommand>b__87_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:17:07,787] [1] [SourceTree.Analytics.Submission.Gas.GasAnalyticsSubmissionService] [Log] - Hi There!
ERROR [2019-10-10 07:17:47,113] [20] [SourceTree.Repo.RepoHandlerHg] [Log] - GitHandler is not set, or git not enables, so didn't set git env variables

OS - Windows 10
Chrome Version - 77.0.3865.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)
ST Version 3.0.17 - Works
ST Version 3.1.2 - Failed
ST Version 3.2.6 - Failed
Git Version -



Any and ALL help is appreciated.  Thank you.

1 answer

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Mike Corsaro
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 11, 2019


Have you tried using embedded git? It appears that git isn't set in your environment path -- could you try installing the latest version of git and check the "add git to your PATH" setting?

Todd Sievel October 14, 2019

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply.  I know my question was cumbersome, just trying to supply you with all the info needed to help me.

Yes, I tried using embedded.  When the dialog is prompted about Git when installing.  I've tried every option.  When selecting embedded, it looks as if it installs....aka downloads, unpacks, runs for a bit, then comes back with the dialog saying Git can't be found again.  The other options to find git locally and the other don't work, they just keep prompting that it can't be found.  The only option that works is the cancel option saying to 'not use git'.

I've updated they environment path and restarted.  Before updating I had installed the latest version of Git last week.  Complete uninstall and install.  When I looked at my system path it found "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd"  I added "C:\Program Files\Git".  Rebooted and tried the install with 3.2.6 of ST.  No luck.  Same issue.  Now time to uninstall and start over.

all help is appreciated.  Thank you.


Todd Sievel

Todd Sievel October 29, 2019

Any other ideas?



Todd Sievel November 12, 2019

You just gave up huh?

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