Everytime I try to amend a commit on windows with interactive rebase it aborts

Tim Schroeder July 15, 2014

I am trying to amend a commit. I right-click the commit before it. I select rebase children. Then I select amend commit. Once I click ok it shows that it's ready to go. Then I click ok and then it aborts the rebase. Here are the two log messages:

First Message:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c "sequence.editor='C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\stree_gri'" -c "core.editor='C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\stree_gri'" rebase -i --autosquash a64656091c10d4a31e434bb93118f1ee3ff45a7f
Rebasing (1/11)

Stopped at 34b37ad... Cleanup Attributes

You can amend the commit now, with

	git commit --amend

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

	git rebase --continue

Completed successfully.

After I click close to begin my rebase it says:

git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false rebase --abort

Completed successfully.

This only shows with full output on. If I turn that off it does the same thing I just have no interaction it just returns me back to the original point I was at.

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Alex Jennes
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August 20, 2014

I'm experiencing the same issue. I don't know if this is a workaround or is, in fact, the correct procedure for completing the interactive rebase, but at any rate, I've found the following:

While that first log message is displayed (before clicking 'close' and receiving the abort message), open the terminal. Next to your username, you should see some text to the effect that the rebase is ongoing, and you can use the two commands specified to amend the desired commits and conclude the rebase. This barely qualifies as a solution, since you might as well have just initiated the rebase from git bash at that point, but at least you will be able to apply your changes.

Hope that helps a bit.

Tim Schroeder August 20, 2014

That is currently what I am doing as well I figured that out after posting this, should have probably mentioned that. I know from watching others use this feature on Mac this is not the correct behavior, but at least it lets you use the gui to order the commits etc and do you rebase.

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