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Don't prompt for username and password

stevekuo1 January 3, 2019

Every time I launch Sourcetree, it prompts me for my Github credentials. I only use Sourcetree for local operations (stage, branch and commit). How can I disable Github from constantly nagging me for my username and password?

2 answers

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stevekuo1 January 22, 2019

Rolling back to version 2.7 resolves this.

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Mike Corsaro
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 3, 2019

Under "Accounts" in settings you'll probably see a github account. You can try removing that and seeing if that fixes it.


What version of Sourcetree are you using?

stevekuo1 January 3, 2019

I've seen this behavior in version 2.7.4 and 3.0.

Under Preferences - Accounts there are no accounts. It still prompts me for a username/password. The exact prompt is (URL edited out):



My .git/config's [remote "origin"] points to a github URL.


Edit: 2.7 does not prompt for Github credentials, 2.7.4 does.

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