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Clone in sourcetree no longer works with 3.0

Rob van der Most
I'm New Here
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October 30, 2018

I recently updated to SourceTree 3.0 on macOS and since then I am no longer able to use the button "Clone in SourceTree" on my BitBucket server. It does open SourceTree, but it does not show the dialog to clone the repository.

macOS: 10.13.6

SourceTree: 3.0 (200)

BitBucket server: 5.10.1

2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 2, 2018

Hi Rob,

I think this is addressed already in our latest beta. Apologies for the hiccup.

Brian Ganninger
Senior Mac Developer, Sourcetree

Rob van der Most
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
November 2, 2018

I tried the latest beta, but it does not seem to work yet :-(

marcocarosi November 14, 2018

Tried with Beta 3.0.1 (203), still the same issue.

marcocarosi December 23, 2018

With the 3.1 Beta (208), uploaded on Dec 20th, the issue is finally fixed (at least for me, Bitbucket server v5.7.1

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marcocarosi November 4, 2018

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