Can't login to Sourcetree

Eric Stimpson
I'm New Here
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June 4, 2019

This is the error I'm getting. 

"Confirm access to your account

Invalid redirect_uri

This integration is misconfigured. Contact the vendor for assistance."

We tried restarting computers.  We tried lots of things but we can't login.. 

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 5, 2019

Hi Eric,

Sorry to hear about this problem with logging into a Bitbucket account from Sourcetree. However this is not just you that is having this problem. There is currently an outage in regards to Bitbucket Cloud's OAuth tokens are not working correctly. This is the cause of the inability to login here and in turn showing that 'Invalid redirect_uri' error message.

Atlassian has just updated our StatusPage about this incident that you can use to track this problem in

I would recommend subscribing or watching that incident for update.  Once this incident is resolved I would expect that you should then be able to use Sourcetree without this error.

Sorry again for the inconvenience here.



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