Can't clone repository

G Henkel
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February 2, 2013

I'm having a strange problem that no one seems to be able to figure out.

I'm creating a GIT repository that is located on my file server. I simply grab the project folder, drag it into SourceTree's bookmark panel and it is created.

Now I want to clone it to my local machine. In order to do that I select "Clone" and enter the path to the GIT repository on the server. It is recognized as a valid GIT repository and I enter a local path and hit Okay.

After this I have en empty folder on my local computer. None of the files from the repositry have made it over, and naturally when I try to check out form this repository I get an error 128 because there are no existing files and the repository is corrupt.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here?

PS: Just as a sidenote - access is not a problem. I have full read and write access to the server and the files.

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February 4, 2013

Hey! Could you enable "Always show full console output" in Preferences > General tab in SourceTree and then comment back with the output? That'd allow us to track this one down easier. Cheers!

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