Can't Sourcetree handle Ed25519 keys for SSH?

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July 7, 2022

I have upgraded my SSH-Keys from RSA to Ed25519.

Now if I try to interact with my remote repositories using Sourcetree, the key manager opens up and I unlock the private key with the passphrase. Everything is fine until this point.
Nevertheless Sourcetree can't read from the remote repository anymore.

If I do the same via the shell or any other git interface that supports SSH, everything works fine. So Sourcetree must be the source of this issue.

2 answers

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Andrew McDonald
April 24, 2024

I've encountered the same issue. My ed25519 key is properly uploaded to my GitHub account. I had an RSA key as well, which I've since deleted. However SourceTree's accounts pane shows an error and claims it can't find an SSH key. Does it only work with RSA keys still?

I'm using SourceTree 4.2.7 on Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.1.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 27, 2022

Sorry It isn't answer. I have also happend as this problem, Did you have find any solution? 

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