After saving conflict with P4Merge, the file cannot be saved.

mangotamu March 2, 2019

Hi, I'm MInku.

I use Sourcetree 3.1.1 on MacBook Pro (Mojave 10.14.3) and Bitbucket Cloud.

My team were testing merging/conflict solving using P4Merge (

Rev. P4Merge/MACOSX1013X86_64/2018.2/168776).

Check this video link.

I have saved the change but SourceTree doesn't check my latest file.

Can we solve this together? 


-Kind Regards, Minku

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 6, 2019

Hi @mangotamu,

Please file a ticket in our public tracker with the excellent info you provided above and we'll be sure to review and triage for a future update. Thank you for your patience.

Brian Ganninger
Principal Developer, Sourcetree

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