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×As long as I can remember I always loved taking photos. My grandmother gave me her polaroid camera when I was little and I had so much fun with that (who knew polaroid would make a come back with the instax cameras). Later in my childhood I had a camera of my own with film, and also loved using the underwater disposable cameras. Now with a camera on my phone, it is hard not to snap photos everywhere I go.
Back in 2011, I completed a "1 year captured in photos" challenge, where you take a photo every day for a year and blog about it every single day. My friend had started this on January 1st of that year and I loved the idea, so rather than waiting until January 1st of the following year, I decided to start on January 6, 2011 and my challenge went until January 6, 2012. My friend only lasted a few months at the challenge, but I pushed through. It is a lot harder than it sounds, but I loved the challenge, and it is wonderful to have a full year of my life captured in photos and text to look back on in the future. My friends even made me a camera cake (that looked exactly like the camera I used that year), as a celebration of completing the challenge. After that I took a little break from taking photos, and took mental images of my surroundings instead.
I love taking scenic photos, and photos of animals and I learned some tips along the way from photographer friends. I decided to pull together a little photography portfolio using Trello to keep my favourite images, and a few that won prizes in photo contests, as well as images that social media accounts asked permission to use on their page, or on their website.
Here is a glimpse of my portfolio - it is a work in progress and I have some to add from over the years. I don't want this to end up as a cluttered mess of photos, so I am just choosing a sampling of photos that showcase the types of images I enjoy capturing.
Do you enjoy taking photos as much as I do? I would love to hear if you have a portfolio of your images and/or any photography tips you can share?