Breakfast is on Us! - 3/22 - Vote or Propose a topic!

Fabian A. Lopez (Community Leader - Argentina, Florida, California)
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March 1, 2019

Hi Palm Beach AUG Members,

Ian Cooperman from Isos Technology will be driving almost 4 hours to be with us on Thursday 3/21 to present Confluence: An Agile Hero's Best Sidekick and due that he will spend the night here at a hotel, we decided to add a bonus for those that are not able to attend to the evening events. So... Welcome to our Breakfast is on Us Session.

We have some topics ideas but we would like to hear your voice and vote or propose topics of your interest.

Here is what we have on the pipeline:

1. Maximizing the use of Jira

2. Exploring Portfolio practical use

3. Empowering Confluence

4. Understanding the Atlassian Stack

5. Server, Cloud or Data Center?

Comment with your vote or a new proposed topic. See you soon. And don't forget we have Lunch and Learn Today!

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Gus Fort
March 1, 2019

Most of those topics are of interest to me, so I will rank them. I know, not exactly what you asked for, but you have a great lineup of topics.

1. Understanding the Atlassian Stack

2. Maximizing the use of Jira

3. Exploring Portfolio practical use

4. Empowering Confluence

5. Server, Cloud or Data Center?

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_Fabian A. Lopez
March 1, 2019

Thanks! It works great as we need to look for presenters to address those topics.

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