Want to have a "Braindate" with me at Team '24?


This year at their Team conference, Atlassian is offering so-called "Braindates".

These are not presentations or any kind of formal sessions, but a more casual way of interacting with people who share the same interests and ask themselves the same questions. Everyone can use a dedicated Braindate lounge on the expo floor to discuss any topic, either 1-on-1 or in a group.

If anybody is up for it, let's explore the question of what to do if there is a certain way you'd like to look at or work with your Jira tickets, but no Jira feature or marketplace app seems to offer exactly what you need.

Do you open a feature request for Atlassian to consider? Do you employ some kind of workaround? Do you ultimately give up and work with what you have as best you can, meaning you are never fully satisfied? If you have such a specific use case, maybe we can find a solution together.

So, if you'd like to connect with me there, let's meet: https://team24.braindate.com/topics/122354/

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Andreas Springer _Actonic_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 22, 2024

A lot of people are asking if they can also take part in these sessions remotely. Specifically for Team '24, this is meant to be an on-site activity where people meet in person.

However, by all means, send me message if you'd like to meet virtually and I'd love to do a remote session with you. Just hit me up here or on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreas-springer

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