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I'm looking for info across several tools for the features that are applicable for Data Center

Jennifer Flinn April 30, 2021

Good Afternoon!

I watched several great demos for Jira Service Management, Jira Software, and Confluence, but every session was geared towards Cloud offerings, and I am having difficulty with identifying which features we can expect to trickle down to the Data Center versions.

While I am excited about many of the features discussed, I am hesitant to share with my team because I don't want to get them excited about something only to find out that we are not going to be able to use that feature.

Can anyone tell me if the following are (or are planned to be) available or integrated with Data Center versions? Or direct me to where I could look?

  • Jira Service Management:
    • Opsgenie for incident management tracking
  • Jira Software
    • Insights for agile development
    • Automation for Jira (will Data Center always have to pay for a separate add-on for this capability?)
  • Confluence
    • Automation for Confluence
    • External Collaboration

Thanks so much!

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Joseph Chung Yin
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April 30, 2021

@Jennifer Flinn -

Hi Jennifer:

I can offer guidances on JSM and JIra.  For Confluence - You should contact Atlassian Support directly.

JSM (Opsgenie) - Opsgenie for Data Center is a separate paid subscription with Atlassian.  Yes, it can be integrated with JSM/Jira DC.

Jira Software (Insights) - I am assuming you are not asking about Mindvile Insights.  If not, then "Insights" is only available for the Cloud env that I know of.  If you are referring to Mindvile Insights, then it is now a part of JSM DC, so if you have JSM DC license, then you will have this component out of the box now.  Which it can be integrated to both JSM and Jira Software.  (We are on Jira DC 8.14.1 and JSM DC 4.14.1)

Jira Software (Automation for Jira) - As of right now it is still a separate paid add on for Jira DC.

One of the Community Leaders provided me with this useful link regarding the roadmap for Atlassian on Cloud and Data Center envs -

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Jennifer Flinn May 3, 2021

Thank you Joseph! The Data Center Roadmap link is very helpful, I'll start checking there first in the future.

I'm hoping that they will eventually include some of the paid apps for Data Center (like Opsgenie and Automation for Jira) in the Data Center offering (like they have done with Insights in JSM).

The Insights that I was referring to was a beta feature in Jira software geared towards agile planning and tracking. Hopefully this will be something that is released to Cloud AND Data Center instances.

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Alison Huselid
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 30, 2021

@Jennifer Flinn 

Hi Jennifer, adding to the great info Joseph has already shared

Opsgenie: given it is a cloud service, we didn't bundle it with Jira Service Management Data Center and left it as an optional service you can purchase separately.  As Joseph mentioned, it can be integrated it for incident management.

For Automation for Jira, including it with Jira Software Data Center is something we continue to re-evaluate periodically. So far we have chosen to keep it as an optional app, rather than include it by default primarily because many customers already have other automation solutions in place.  Would be great to understand if this was included, would your teams use this alongside another automation solution or by itself?

For Confluence:

We don't currently have plans to bring Automation for Confluence to Data Center, but please share if there is anything in particular from the Cloud experience you were most interested in using that could inform our future plans.

For external collaboration, we will not be introducing the same solution. We do have Confluence Data Center anonymous access functionality which can be used for read-only access for external users. We typically see this used for the purposes of documentation or a knowledge base.

Jennifer Flinn May 3, 2021

Thank you Alison, this was very good information. I will coordinate with my team and get back with our areas of interest and use cases for Automation for Jira and the Confluence Cloud features.

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