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Can individuals purchase a teams pass?

Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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April 30, 2021

Can individuals still purchase a team pass and get access to team 21?

3 answers

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G subramanyam
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May 1, 2021

Hi @Brant Schroeder since the event 2021 is concluded. Participants with standard pass can upgrade to "all access pass" with 50% discount.

@Bridget has posted this discount code details "Standard pass holders now is your chance to upgrade your pass and rewatch your favorite sessions. Plus, you’ll also get 50% off for a future Atlassian University Training course! From now until May 31st, use code TEAMCOMMUNITYONDEMANDTAKE50 to get 50% off your All-Access pass ($100 savings). Simply log in to your registration and upgrade your pass now.

Stay safe and stay healthy :)

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Darryl Lee
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May 1, 2021

Also - looks like you have until June 1, 2021 to purchase:

Standard Pass holders can access sessions and on-demand content from April 28-30. If you would like to watch a session after the event on-demand, you will need to upgrade to the All Access Pass and can do so until June 1, 2021. All Access Pass holders can access session content until December 31, 2021.

From the FAQ.

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Jimmy Seddon
Community Leader
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April 30, 2021

Hi @Brant Schroeder,

If you go to the main Team 2021 event page:

It has a link for you to purchase access to the event.  I doubt any of the free codes still work, but individuals should be able to purchase an all access pass.

I hope that helps!


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