Good evening everyone,
I decided to share with you my story from today so that you never assume, always check and recheck.
After a long day and when about to log out, my coworker reached out to me asking to update ScriptRunner User License in a dev environment because we just increased the users license. Well without hesitation I started navigating between the different Atlassian Tools to make sure everything was showing the right number. When done, I clicked on BitBucket to update ScriptRunner License. My mistake was I assumed that the link was pointing to Dev when actually it was still pointing to Prod(because we just had a data refresh from Prod).
This is an unauthorized change because we did have a change ticket for after work hours. We are subject to heavy auditing.
To summarize my situation, I really saw the email coming with my termination. At least I won't have to see HR in-person 🤪
How did I make this stupid mistake? Not sure. Why did I assume? That was another stupid decision.
I hated myself but had to inform my boss.
Please share with us a situation that made your blood freeze in your veins. It is always good to learn from people mistakes to avoid yourself a similar situation.
@JiBrok Thank you for sharing your story! I would like to learn more about the change to scripts and hidden install plugin button. Where are you adding the javascript please? I am really interested to get more information if you don't mind.
I was adding code to the system announcement banner. Here is an example of code that you can adapt for yourself.
We store all the code, scripts, and configurations in the git. We check plugins for backward compatibility of data.
Globally, backups of servers and databases are made every day. And in extreme cases, we are ready to lose data during this time. And critical data that is not included in backups will be restored manually.
If only the functionality is affected, we simply roll it back and check that the data is in the correct state.
If the data is broken, we try to fix it (manually, using scripts, or restore it from backup).
We have a large instance(15k users) but we do not have a strict audit. So problems with functionality are solved by simply reinstalling the previous version.
In banks, I have seen systems around Jira that allow you to make any changes to the prod only through CI/CD systems. You first configure everything on the test environment, and then roll them out on the prod. This applies to any changes - fields, scripts, wf, projects, plugins... It looks cool and complicated. For ourselves, we have so far abandoned such a system - it is good for auditing and controlling functions on the prod, but it does not insure against errors.
To be honest, I've never heard of anyone being fired because of mistakes. Mistakes make us better. But maybe I was just lucky and I didn't meet such companies :)