Tuesday Tips & Tricks

Good evening everyone,

It is late, some of you may already be sleeping. So lucky!!! 

Well my tip today will be quick and easy. It is related to the Draw.io plugin. I just learned about these tips last week while attending Team 21.

  1. If you create a diagram in Draw.io and decide later on that some of the shapes need to be changed. You won't need to delete them just drag and drop the new shape on top of the one you want to remove. Et voila!
  2. Draw.io will have a similar feature than Confluence which is the concurring editing. It means more than one person can edit one same diagram at the same time.

Take care everyone!




PS:(I am not advertising for any vendor, whenever I will have a tip for a specific plugin I will share it. The goal is purely to share knowledge)




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G subramanyam
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May 4, 2021

Draw.io is the perfect flow making tool I have been using since an year and I would definitely say it's worth, simple and user friendly.

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Taranjeet Singh
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May 5, 2021

@Fadoua Thanks for sharing these amazing tips! Draw.io is a really useful and easy-to-use diagramming tool. 

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Community Leader
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May 8, 2021

Thank you @Taranjeet Singh  for always taking time to read my posts and comment! It is greatly appreciated.

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