We are new to Confluence and Jira and I was hopeful that when I push requirements to Jira, that the Jira #'s would show up automatically in Confluence.
I can't figure out to make this happen and don't have time to copy and paste between the two...
Can someone guide me?
Like Jen, I'm new to (this version of) Confluence/Jira Cloud, and I'm missing something basic I think.
I have a simple requirement which is to automatically maintain traceability between a requirement held in Conf to the stories held in Jira.
In Confluence, my BA colleague can create a product requirement. Good.
In Jira, I can create an issue and add a link back to the product requirement. Good.
However, my BA colleague does not see them, as they don't show at the top and contrary to the posted video, neither do issues created on the Confluence page.
My colleagues should not need to do anything AT ALL to see the related issues. I should not be expected to know where they want them adding on their requirements page and then have to manually add them.
Ideally, there should a a 'related issues' widget that can be configured to show whatever columns the BA wants to see. Bonus points for this being included on the template for the page.
I did find a way to "push" requirements into Jira and then manually add the link from Jira back into Confluence. Way to time consuming and inflexible....
Agree there should be a widget the SW should be smart enough to link things automatically once they have been pushed.
Hey @Jen Johnson
Perhaps, I'm not not getting it right. Do I understand you correctly, that you want to connect a JIRA Issue with a confluence page?
Like so
The connection between jira and confluence should be generated automatically. If not, perhaps the application link isn't set correctly.
Can you confirm, that you mean this connection?
Can you tell me, whether you use the atllassian products from server or cloud?
Thanks for sharing more information.
Regards, Dominic