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Talk to our product team: Shape how new users onboard into Confluence Cloud

Hello community members!

I’m Nidhi, Sr. Product Manager on the Confluence Cloud team. Over the years, Confluence has customized and adapted how new users get started in the product. But we know there is room to grow!

Help shape how new users onboard into Confluence

What capabilities would you wish in Confluence that would help new users onboard easily?

We would love to meet and hear your thoughts if you are open to it! Schedule some time via this link:

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Nidhi Raj
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 10, 2024

Update on Jun 10,2024: All our slots are full! If you're interested in talking to us specifically about onboarding new users into Confluence, reach out on !

AUG Leaders

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