unable to install BulkClone plugin on jira 5.2.4

Kristjan Kuru April 18, 2013

Could not find a handler capable of installing the add-on at https://marketplace.atlassian.com/download/plugins/com.netent.jira.plugins.bulkclone.BulkClone/version/17. Check that the file is a valid add-on.

I'm using Jira 5.2.4.

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Kristjan Kuru April 23, 2013

This plugin is actually a zip file. It should be downloaded, unzipped and then uploaded through UPM.

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April 18, 2013

Hi Kristjan,

I've just checked the compatibility matrix for that plugin and the version you are downloading should be compatible with Confluence 5.2.4. I have also checked that you should just be able to upload it through the UPM by following the instructions in this document: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/UPM/Installing+Add-ons

If this doesn't work for you then please contact Support and we will make sure that your UPM is functioning correctly and that you can install plugins properly etc.

All the best,

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